Hi, we're Kate and Paul

We believe that the bodies infinite wisdom knows how to heal, all it needs is the right environment for each persons bio-individual needs.
We are all unique and should be celebrated as such.
We help people discover the root cause of what’s causing any pain (physically, mentally, emotionally), create the right environment with them and from that place rapid healing occurs - leading each person to a life fulfilled living out their lols and dreams. 
Paul is a certified Health & Nutrition Coach and Kate is a Curatorial Strategic Intervention coach with her masters in NLP - together you get the full package body, mind, emotion  integration and experts in creating love and affinity within and in any relationship.
Our programs are designed to help you to take your power back step-by-step, and unleash your energetic, healthy, joyful & radiant self!

 Why we are different to what you have tried before?

Most people think the surface issues that are easy to see for example weight gain are what you focus on for goals.

However the end symptom is rarely where you find the root cause.

The root cause in this case is beyond just diet and exercise but can be created from an emotional or physical trauma, sometimes these are blocked from your conscious mind and hide in your subconscious as the event may have occurred when you were too young to be able to process it properly. 

So when we look at weight loss for example it’s not about diets and calorie restriction, weighing in, brutal work outs and a whole bunch of pain and sacrifice.

We know that that is not the way to create lasting results.

 Why we are different to what you have tried before?

Most people think the surface issues that are easy to see for example weight gain are what you focus on for goals.

However the end symptom is rarely where you find the root cause.

The root cause in this case is beyond just diet and exercise but can be created from an emotional or physical trauma, sometimes these are blocked from your conscious mind and hide in your subconscious as the event may have occurred when you were too young to be able to process it properly. 

So when we look at weight loss for example it’s not about diets and calorie restriction, weighing in, brutal work outs and a whole bunch of pain and sacrifice.

We know that that is not the way to create lasting results.

We look at what caused the weight to be created in the first place, deal with the core issue and issues that were created from this core issue, and when that is discovered and healed weight loss is far easier, simple, achievable and sustainable for life!!

We also believe that Vitamin L (Love) and Vitamin F (Fun) are crucial for success.

If you enjoy your new habits and new ways of being and it continues to make you feel good, it will be easy to maintain as a lifestyle. 

This sets us apart from the fear and pain mentality of regular weight loss and many other symptom-related issues that face the modern-day individual.


Let´s get to the root cause of your symptoms

We are all about detective work!!

Unfortunately in the medical system they treat symptoms not root cause.

 Root cause can be discovered when you simplify to look at the 3 life stressors that we believe all dis-ease comes from.


We all have environmental exposure - this is ...

  • the air we breathe
  • the water we drink
  • the food we eat
  • the drinks we consume
  • the news, Netflix or ‘programming’ we watch
  • the people we spend time with
  • the state of our home
  • the state of our car
  • the state of our work environment
  • exposure to heavy metals
  • exposure to mold
  • exposure to chemicals
  • exposure to radio frequencies, wifi, etc.


We all have environmental exposure - this is ...

  • the air we breath,
  • the water we drink,
  • the food we eat,
  • the drinks we consume,
  • the news, Netflix or ‘programming’ we watch
  • the people we spend time with
  • the state of our home
  • the state of our car
  • the state of our work environment
  • exposure to heavy metals
  • exposure to mold
  • exposure to chemicals
  • exposure to radio frequencies, wifi, etc.


  • car accident
  • sporting injury
  • physical or sexual assault
  • lifting something too heavy etc


  • car accident
  • sporting injury
  • physical or sexual assault
  • lifting something too heavy etc


  • Death of a loved one
  • Breakup
  • Getting fired
  • A family dispute
  • Physical and sexual trauma
  • Not getting the love you wanted from a parent/s
  • Being bullied
  • Hurtful comments that stick
  • Being in a traumatic accident etc


  • Death of a loved one
  • Breakup
  • Getting fired
  • A family dispute
  • Physical and sexual trauma
  • Not getting the love you wanted from a parent/s
  • Being bullied
  • Hurtful comments that stick
  • Being in a traumatic accident etc

Transform Your Life







Introducing our Premium Program

The Alchemy Method

crafted with your unique needs in mind. 

Through an extensive analysis of 118 bio markers in blood and urine, conducted in partnership with the top functional medicine team in America, you'll uncover the specific requirements of your bio-individual body.

This transformative program provides you with a personalized blueprint for optimal health, targeting and healing the root causes of any issues.

By participating, you will dramatically enhance your health, relationships, and physical well-being in a profound and empowering way.

If you're ready to become the best version of yourself as swiftly as possible, The Alchemy Method is your path to rapid, lasting transformation.

Join us and unlock your full potential!

Introducing our Premium Program

The Alchemy Method

crafted with your unique needs in mind. 

Through an extensive analysis of 118 bio markers in blood and urine, conducted in partnership with the top functional medicine team in America, you'll uncover the specific requirements of your bio-individual body.

This transformative program provides you with a personalized blueprint for optimal health, targeting and healing the root causes of any issues.

By participating, you will dramatically enhance your health, relationships, and physical well-being in a profound and empowering way.

If you're ready to become the best version of yourself as swiftly as possible, The Alchemy Method is your path to rapid, lasting transformation.

Join us and unlock your full potential!

 Unlock a world of transformation with our exclusive Membership Program

The Freedom Portal

Discover Your Path to FREEDOM

Embark on a 12-month journey where each month presents a new adventure and challenge designed to elevate your quality of life and relationships.

With a focus on fun, play, commitment, and accountability, you’ll achieve your personal goals alongside a supportive community.

Dive into this unique experience and take the first step towards a more fulfilling, empowered life.

Join us and discover the true meaning of FREEDOM!

 Unlock a world of transformation with our exclusive Membership Program

The Freedom Portal

Discover Your Path to FREEDOM

Embark on a 12-month journey where each month presents a new adventure and challenge designed to elevate your quality of life and relationships.

With a focus on fun, play, commitment, and accountability, you’ll achieve your personal goals alongside a supportive community.

Dive into this unique experience and take the first step towards a more fulfilling, empowered life.

Join us and discover the true meaning of FREEDOM!


Happy Clients



I have learned about the labels I have used on myself, how to communicate better with others, how to love myself more and appreciate who I am and accept myself. I have started exercising more, eating better, and learned so many wonderful useful tools. It’s been an amazing time and I have made some great new friends as well.”


- Joy Holmgren -


"In a few weeks I went from being negative, not willing to do anything, to being positive and fully in action to work on my dream life. Kate and Paul helped me so much by explaining what was holding me back in my life. Sometimes it was hard but my accountability-group helped me through it. I let go of old pain and forgiveness took it’s place. My heart is filled with grace for getting the opportunity to change my life."


- Monique van Melick, Netherlands -


“Such joy in the journey!! Each new week looking at things in a different perspective. So awe-inspiring and sometimes so heart-wrenching. When we catch ourselves reacting to triggers that held us hostage for so long. Tears of pain to joy. Making commitments to myself and gaining more freedom and allowing more love in for myself and realizing that was is not meant for me. Commitment to freedom in loving others and loving what is!!”


- Paula Palmer -


 “I am down almost 30 pounds! I feel healthier compared to before, when I didn’t have much energy for my age. My sleep patterns were so poor, and I never knew how much sugar played a role in my life! Now that I have been completely off sugar and all the unhealthy foods, I feel like a new person. Also, my relationship with my husband has gotten even closer.”


- Janet Collins -

More Success Stories

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You will then receive a weekly Life Enhancer action to continue to upgrade your life!